business of Bowen

Supporting an engaged and passionate circle of Bowen therapists committed to learning and growth

our vision

To create a growing community of Bowen therapists who are committed to building business that change their clients lives.

To give our members the support, connection and tools so they can live and work as they desire.

Business of Bowen Membership

Grow your business and connect with other Bowen therapists… so that you are part of a committed community who are as excited about Bowen and business as you are.

Business strategies | Templates | Interviews |
Mini Bowen refreshers | Anatomy Insights | Webinars | Research | Community |

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined

Henry David Thoreau

Business of Bowen BLUEPRINT

Comprehensive self-paced program for Bowen therapists who want to increase their business confidence and growth and have a greater impact in their community

It's not just about getting more likes on social media; it's about devising a blueprint for your business to stop the second guessing and procastination that holds you back from having the Bowen Business you desire



The first ever International Online Bowen Conference was held this year hosted by the Business of Bowen Team

Across the two days, over 300 conference attendees heard from 20 fantastic presenters from all over the world.

There were research papers delivered, topics involving safety for and with our clients. Tools to take back to the clinical  environment, indepth dives into fascia and the effect Bowen has on it. A look at the vagus and the body mind connnection. Building confidence in business and how to approach your ideal client. Practical family care, Bowen and preconception healthcare, understanding urensis, and improving assesment techniques of clients. Safety and inclusivity in healthcare for our LGBTQI+ community, to name a few.

And of course the Premiere of the long awaited film release of These Two Hands – The Bowen Therapy Documantary.

Watch the closing celebration below then discover more about the event Here.

Praise for Reach Out 2021

Waddya mean, it’s over???

It’s just beginning for us ‘nNorthern hemisphere & 8 hours behind you’ guys! Some of us are on “Long Conference” timing and just getting started.

Yup, and itsso great that it’s NOT over.

Conference goes on and on for us, with the recordings for six months. Face to face events just finish after the time’s up, and often new contacts get forgotten. This event is going to be longlasting and more meaningful, and achieve effective redults worldwide

Ros E.


What an amazing effort to coordinate this incredible achievement! Thanks so much to all the organizers. The presentations were fantastic, communication throughout the conference was great. I appreciate all the attention to detail involved in every aspect of providing not only an outstanding learning opportunity but a wonderful community building event. Well done Chris, Loretta, Matthew and your team! Thank you for all the hard work and commitment to bring this to the world!

Michelle P.



Absolutely loved the Conference, a big thank you to Matt, Chris and Lorretta for all the hard work in bringing all these wonderful inspiring speakers to us. The information shared is just amazing, and to be able to watch the recordings later is so helpful, especially with the time difference and not being able to stay awake. Thank you.

Linda G.


Thanks for putting together a wonderful conference with wonderful speakers – it was great to reconnect as Bowen Therapists again

Vicki N.



To everyone involved in the conference, Chris, Matt and Loretta, all of the speakers, sponsors and everyone who ‘attended’ what a great experience this has been. I look forward to going back over the videos again and learning even more. I found I did not take lots of notes this time because I didn’t want to miss the next part. To Tom Bowen and Ossie and Elaine glad this modality came to being through you.

Rene P.



THANK YOU Chris, Loretta and all the technicians who made this online experience easy . Fantastic conference, speakers, very inspirational. I am feeling connected with Therapist all over the world. Thank you for reaching out and giving us a feeling of belonging. 🙂

Andrea E

Margaret River


If you always do what you've always done,
you always get what you've always got

Jesse Potter

Freedom is being You without anyone's permission

What Our People Say

My business has continued to grow during and beyond the training and I put this down largely to overcoming my fear of Facebook and having a clearer and more professional mindset of my goals – which are now coming to fruition. It really does seem to be the case of “what you focus on expands”. Thanks again for your support throughout the training.
Bowen Therapist & BoB Member
"When I began BoB back in August I was seeing 4 clients a week. I was so excited when I hit 9 a week in January, and now in May I'm seeing 25 on average. I'm forever grateful to Loretta, Matt and Chris for helping me realise my dream, in less than a year! I now get to practise this technique - Mr Bowen's gift, every day. I feel proud and humbled to be sharing Bowen Therapy in my part of the world."
Bowen Therapist & BoB Member
For me, I feel this is as close as I will come to having a mentor. I am listening and learning all the time. I love listening to the advice from the Q and A sessions. I also loved the live zoom session Loretta did about Facebook pages too. The interview with a member is great as well. I always find that human element interesting with lots of insight into how other people run their businesses.
Bowen Therapist & BoB Member
Joining BoB was a no brainer, for me. It’s a place to get Bowen information, business guidance & technical help, from the BoB team, 2 are Bowen Therapists, 1 is also a bit of a tech wiz, 1 a Bowen teacher as well and the other is a great business coach, with a wicked sense of humour. It’s a place where we all come together to support each other. If we need business help we get it, if we need a challenge to get our butts into gear we get it. No question is deemed stupid and no one is made to feel stupid for asking.
Bowen Therapist & BoB Member
Love the group and all the great info and support. Also love the round tables.
Bowen Therapist & BoB Member
I appreciate you guys and this site is what is needed for all things Bowen with all of your areas of expertise. Thankyou
Bowen Therapist & BoB Member
I would like to thank Loretta, Chris and Matt for creating the Business of Bowen group. Even though I have been a practioner and instructor for 20 years I have learnt so much since I joined. I really like how well organised everything is, great professional resources are available and regular Roundtable catch ups with other members are always supportive and informative. One of the best things I have found is whenever I have a question I can ask and it is always answered quickly and accurately no matter what the topic is. I would highly recommend joining this group no matter what your level of experience is.
Bowen Therapist, Trainer & BoB Member

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