Comprehensive self-paced group program
for Bowen therapists who want to increase their
business confidence and growth and have a
greater impact in their community


It's not just about getting more likes on social media;
it's about devising a blueprint for your business
to stop the second guessing and procastination
that holds you back from having the Bowen Business you desire



How It works

Phase 1: Be Focused

Know exactly where you are in your business and where you want to be. Data, not drama, is the engine of your growth.

Phase 2: Be Clear

Clarify your message so you are never at a loss for words when speaking about your business and Bowen.

Phase 3: Be True

Build loyal fans online and in your community as you connect and attract clients harnessing your strengths.

Phase 4: Be Organised

Work with robust systems so you can put your energy into what lights you up.

Phase 5: Be Slick

Move from chaos to clockwork as you automate key areas of your business.

Phase 6: Be Equiped

March forward in your business with the right tools and a plan of how to get there.

What people say?

I’d just like to thank you guys for the value I’ve gotten from the Blueprint training. My business has continued to grow during and beyond the training and I put this down largely to overcoming my fear of Facebook and having a clearer and more professional mindset of my goals – which are now coming to fruition. It really does seem to be the case of “what you focus on expands”.
Thanks again for your support throughout the training.
Thanks so much for all your input guys! Got heaps out of it and am LOVING having a weekly checklist to help me achieve my goals. Has made a big difference to keep me on target. I feel much happier knowing I’m not neglecting Facebook posts and SMS’s for contact and communication with my clients. The past few weeks I’ve actually been quite consistent with this! Yay! Thanks again.

Business Of Bowen Blueprint

Blueprint Program

$ 195 AUD
  • Create your own unique
    Bowen Business Blueprint
    and understand
    where your growth
    can come from.
  • Develop systems to help
    grow your business
    by knowing your numbers,
    and methods to
    increase bookings
    and retain clients