Recall Strategy

Iron Out The Flat Spots of Inconsistent Bookings

4 Things To Consider to Iron out The Flat Spots of Inconsistent Bookings

The bane of a Bowen therapists life is an up and down cash flow created by inconsistent bookings in your client calendar.

When we have consistency we can plan our time, energy and money with so much more ease.
But as we are dealing with humans and not robots we can’t always be 100% booked, however there are things we can review to help us iron out those flat spots.

1.Your Rebooking Behaviour

If you believe your client needs further treatment do you expect them to rebook at the end of the session?
Our expectations rub off on our clients.  If we ‘don’t like to push’, ‘ feel uncomfortable rebooking’, or ‘are ambivalent’ about the client returning this is all transmitted to them through our words, tone and body language.
We don’t recommend treating them when they clearly don’t require it, however if you think that a treatment in 7 days would support their progress then helping rebook at the end of the session is actually doing them a favour.

Shifting our mindset away from selling and towards serving means the conversation about them returning for a treatment is about what’s good for them.

If they don’t require further treatment, then be confident in this too and wish them well, ensuring if they have a flare up or another ailment to be in touch.  Your behaviour sets the tone and influences your client.
There are no guarantees that someone will rebook even if you are confident and filled with a service attitude, but it goes a long way towards it.

2. Your Recall Strategy

A recall strategy is a plan that helps you work out when and who to chat with if they haven’t rebooked with you.

We are able to follow up with clients who have given their permission to receive our messages or phone calls.  Often we have a client who has to cancel due to sickness or maybe at the time of their last appointment they were unable to rebook as they needed to check their roster.  It’s easy for them to lose their momentum in their recovery if we don’t get them back on the table.
Our recall strategy can ensure we follow up with them in a timely manner if they haven’t rebooked.
We also have clients that may have been regulars attending the clinic each month who have just slipped off the books. A sickness or holiday may have interrupted their schedule with you.  Your recall strategy will help you rekindle these people.
For help working out what to say and how to develop the recall strategy that works for you access our free online masterclass here.

3. Your Parting Chat

This is related to no 1, but is worth singling out for special mention.  Your parting chat is the conversation you have with your client at the end of the treatment.  This is where you talk about the next best step for your client to take.  It often includes any exercises or after care advice, and when you think their next treatment should be.  This is not the time to be vague and wishy-washy.
Your client needs a confident direction from you.
“See how you go” doesn’t always help the client to know what to expect or the action needed.
Humans respond well to certainty and while you can’t predict the future nor give a guarantee you can let them know what you expect. Use your professional judgment to guide them.

4. Set a Goal

As the old saying goes, “what you focus on increases”.  Do you have a bookings goal?  How many treatments would you like to give in a week or a month?
Setting a target helps you hone your skills to help this target become a reality.  While many of us would like to treat “more” clients, the word ‘more’ doesn’t help as it’s too vague.
We can either see what happens or make it happen.


The Business of Bowen Team

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